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Sex as the Characteristic of the Elements

Natures control over the lower orders of creative expression, such as in the chemical elements, is plainly indicated in their crystallization. Every truly balanced mating of equal halves crystallizes as a true cube, while the slightest deviation in balance departs from the cube.

Sex is not yet recognized as characteristic of the elements. It is supposedly limited to the organic or living things of Creation. Sex is the fundamental principle of Creation. Everything comes into the appearance of existence by the union of two opposite halves of a unit pattern, and everything repeats itself by the division of a unit into its positive and negative expressions. This is as true of the elements of matter as it is of animal and vegetable life.

The sex matings of the elements exactly coincide in effect with the sex matings of humans. Violent explosions in the elements have the same basic cause as such violent explosions as murder in humans. Terrific electric unbalance is the cause of both. Likewise, stability in the elements and in humans has the same cause in equality of balance.

Sodium and chlorine are good examples of positive and negative opposites of a pair which are equally but oppositely balanced with each other and each equally unbalanced with its fulcrum equator. When these two chemical elements marry, they become such perfectly balanced and stable mates that the chemists call them affinities.

(Walter Russell, The Message of the Divine Iliad, Vol II, p. 164