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Art of anything is not in the skill of rendering a visible or audible thing but in the beauty and love that only the stillness

The Uncovered Genius

Gabrilowitsch was a musician all the way through. It might interest you to know that when Gabrilowitsch posed for the bust I did of him,


What is the great passion of your life? I asked. Beauty, he [Walter Russell] replied without hesitation. Beauty and worthiness to live life as a

Self-Taught Artist

At the early age of thirteen he financed his years at art school playing a church organ and teaching music. As young man he built

Great Art is Simple

Great art is simple. My universe is great art, for it is simple. Great art is balanced. My universe is consummate art, for it is

What is Art?

What makes someone a master artist is not technical ability per se, but rather the soul qualities that reflect the Soul of Cosmic Mind. The